Looking Back:  2020 Main Street Murfreesboro Holiday Market Place

Looking Back: 2020 Main Street Murfreesboro Holiday Market Place

Photography by Frank Caperton with FrankWorks 615.476.7823

NOVEMBER 2020: Temps in the low-sixties, crystal clear skies and a festive holiday atmosphere favored the annual Holiday Market Downtown presented by Main Street Murfreesboro.

More than thirty downtown unique shops and restaurants, in conjunction with the Boro Art Crawl, remained open till 9PM.

Live music from various musicians including the students at the Murfreesboro Center for the Arts filled the air around the historic Rutherford County Square.

Main Street Murfreesboro mission is to maintain, enhance and promote the historic downtown as the heart of our community. Please visit for more information.

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Courts: Swearing In of New General Sessions Judge